With my bike stolen the day before, I had to flag the club ride on Sunday morning. There was, however, a 5km road race (running) on that day.

The local
Ayuntamiento (town council) here is amazing with its event management, for all kinds of events. But at the drop of a hat, they will close all the roads for an event, provide staffing, provide post-event food and drinks, trophies and prize monies. And there is never any entry fees. There are stacks of other non-sports events organised without entry fees also.
Anyway, the 5km run. Having ridden 134km the day before, and 500+ kms that week I wasn't at my running sharpest. I had done little running recently, concentrating more on the biking. I entered with little expectations.

They gave away trophies for 1st to 3rd, and medals 4th-6th. Again I picked up a medal, the same three guys beating me as in the Street Mile back in December. That was in the over 45 age group. All placegetters in my age group except one, were over 50. The first four of us could have won the 40-45 age group. The winner in my age group, the bearded Liam O'Hare (from Ireland. No!), is sixty and still runs 1hr 20mn half marathons. He won the Berlin half Marathon, age group. We've been on a few runs together. And murdered a few
Cruzcampo on ocassions.

Deb again won her age group, winning a trophy. Another women beat her by two strides, and was 10 years younger. Deb also won second place local Antequera woman, and 45 €uros for her efforts! The other woman was first
Antequerana. Deb also got some press time, with a photo in the local
Sol de Antequera titled 'The Antequera Queens of the Town Race'. The paper refers to her as británica (a pom) which helps keep our heads down, Spanish-ifies her second name (you have to give all your names in Spanish - they just don't understand why she doesn't use her mother's father's surname as well!), and calls her O'Kone. Ah well.
Not a bad day. And then after the race there was, of course, the
molletes, aceite, jamon, y cafe to get stuck into.
aka Max
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