The day is organised by Cofradía del Mayor Dolor and two tronos are carried: El Señor del Mayor Dolor (The Lord of Greatest Sorrow)and Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Mayor Dolor (Our Lady the Virgen of Greatest Sorrow.)
The day's proceedings are in two parts. At media dia a reception is held in Iglesia de San Sebastián, the host church, where civic dignitaries and committee of the Cofradía meet representatives of the military forces. Then the Foreign Legion marches the length of the main street, Infante Don Fernando, to the Plaza San Sebastián in front of San Sebastian church to parade for the thronging crowds, accompanied by thumping bands. Plaza San Sebastián is a default main plaza, as Antequera does not have a Plaza Mayor as such. It has a paseo and several significant plazas.
I´ll come clean and admit that Deb took the following photos. I wasn´t there as I had gone for a bike ride. I was saving myself for the procession that night. Like it was going to be way differant to the proceeeding three nights!
Big mistake. As if from nowhere, it rained that afternoon. It had ceased by start time but the decision was made to cancel the procession. Out of respect for the safety of the tronos carriers on wet cobblestone streets, and the safety of the tronos, and spectator safety as well I guess.
Huge disappointment. I witnessed grown men sobbing, clutching each other. Tears streamed, some men were unconsolable. It was quite distressing.
So. Here's the midday event.
Dignitaries mingle outside Iglesia de San Sebastián:

With the Foreign Legion presence, media interest was high:

The Foreign Legion threads its way through thronging crowds on its way to Plaza San Sebastián ...

... and parades in the Plaza outside Iglesia de San Sebastián. Those are real guns. The Foreign Legion is not going to take any nonsense from Antequeran trouble makers. And they had heard there was an Aussie and a Kiwi in town. They can never be too careful.

Crowds crane for better viewing ...

... and photos are taken from best opportunities.

Kids climb all the best vantage spots:

The Legion parades El Señor del Mayor Dolor to the expectant crowd. Note the guy in the background who has climbed the outside of a building to perch on the outside rail of the first floor balcony.

In a display of strength, the Legion lifts the trono to full arm´s length height as they round the fountain in the centre of the Plaza. You´ll notice the round of clapping the crowd gives.

So. Thanks to Deb, else Miércoles Santo would have been a total non event for me. Apart from seeing some very distressed people that night.
aka Max
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