The previous posting Semana Santa: something else again will explain a lot. I'll post a few photos on this the first night to help you visualise.
The host church is Iglesia de San Agustin. Three tronos are paraded. El Señor a su Entrada en Jerusalén (The Lord's entrance to Jerusalem), El Señor Orando en el Huerto de los Olivos (The Lord´s speech in the olive grove) and Virgen de la Consolacíon y Esperanza Coronada (The Virgen of consolation and crowning hope). All three quite magnificent.
The procession is lead by Roman legionnaires...

Next comes the officialdom of the Cofradía. That's the mayor, Ricardo, on the far left. He isn't a member of the cofradía, but just cannot help himself if there is a photo opportunity. We call him Senor 'en la sopa' - A Spanish expression literally translated as 'in the soup', meaning he is everywhere. He'd turn up for the opening of an envelope if a camera was to be there.

Next comes the start of many, many attendants. The girls, of course are demure and attentive ...

... and the boys rark about.

the first of the tronos: El Señor a su Entrada en Jerusalén ...

The procession lines up behind:

more attendants ...

The second trono is El Señor Orando en el Huerto de los Olivos:

All the tronos are decorated with cherubs.

... and more attendants

every vantage point is taken

care is taken with every detail ...

incense levels need checking ...

The third trono is the beautiful Virgen de la Consolacíon y Esperanza Coronada

Her garments are just lavish.

And this is just the first night.
aka Max
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